I finally have a dishwasher! It was being held hostage.

One was delivered but it was the wrong one. The right one was schedule to be delivered the next Thursday. That day came and went with no dishwasher. We called and were told that they meant that they were going to deliver the NEXT Thursday. That day also came and went without comment or dishwasher. Another call yielded a promise of delivery on Monday. Call me a cynic but I didn’t believe it. By 8:45 that night (they deliver after 7 PM) I said that I was going to go to the store the next day. I’m nonconfrontational. I wasn’t going to yell. I was just going to tell them that we changed our minds and cancel the order. They must have been reading my thoughts because they showed up 15 minutes later.

Then yesterday the plumber came and installed it. I had rum one last load of dishes. It worked perfectly. Every dish was clean. This hadn’t happened in a year. It was peer pressure with the new fancy dishwasher sitting nearby. It had worked so hard that pieces fell off. It died trying to clean. So sad.

Freckles helped install the dishwasher. She was concerned that the strange man laying on the kitchen floor might be after her food so she kept a close eye.

The plumber was also a contractor. He asked to be considered if we ever decide to remodel the kitchen. Glad that the brand new slate floor and granite counters make such an impression of needing replacement! LOL