Armchair BEA


I think the diversity debate boils down to this:


  • White writers are over-represented in publishing because the percentage of authors who are white is higher than the percentage of white people in the population
  • Reading books written by people from other backgrounds exposes readers to a lot of different viewpoints that they may not have experienced otherwise


  • I don’t pay attention to the race of the writer when I choose a book.  I just read stories that interest me.

I started paying attention to the race of the authors that I read a few years ago.  Here’s the thing.  If you don’t mindfully choose your books you will end up reading almost all white authors.  How do I know this?

Look at my numbers from 2015.

Here are the unique female authors I read.

Unique male authors

Compare that to the real world

Remember, these are the authors I read when I was actively seeking out POC authors to read.  My reading was still overwhelming white.

Since I started making a point to find out about POC authors, I’ve found some wonderful authors whose work I love – Nnedi Okorafor, Tananarive Due, Courtney Milan, Jamie Jo Hoang – just to start listing a few.

Ok, how do I find new authors?

Follow people posting about POC authors

Find lists

  • Google your preferred genre(s) and “POC author” to find lots of lists to get you started

Then Hold Yourself Accountable

We all keep track of what we are reading.  Monitor your authors too to make sure you are not reading all white authors.  I have bars on my sidebar to keep track.  On my monthly wrap up reports I keep a tally of how many POC authors I’ve read.  Even when you open yourself up to reading diversely you still have to pay attention.  This January I ending up reading all white authors.  I balanced it out with reading all POC in February.

Need more suggestions?


7 books set in Africa7 books set in south asia