I’ve made one modification to the diet. It recommends three meals a day only. I get full pretty quickly when I eat but then I’m hungry an hour or so later. So I eat my meal and then I’m snacking on fruit and vegetables when that first wave of hunger hits. Then I’m good until the next meal.

Weight loss so far – 2 lbs. But I can vary that much on any given day so we’ll see if it continues.

Breakfast – handful of grapes, apple
Snack – veggies with bean and salsa dip

Lunch – I had lunch trauma. I pulled one of my favorite frozen side dishes out of the freezer. Tuscan Vegetables with Tomato Herb Sauce. I decided to read the ingredients to see if there was any added sugar. There’s no added sugar but it does have both chicken broth and chicken fat. I’m a big label reader – always looking for things like that. I’m not sure why I never checked this one but c’mon, Tuscan Vegetables with Tomato Herb Sauce? Oh well. I tend to be a pragmatic vegetarian. I don’t freak if I find out later that something I ate contained meat but if I know about it ahead of time I won’t eat it.
So, I ended up having one small homemade black bean burger topped with salsa and a frozen green bean side dish. I checked this one out and there was a tiny amount of dairy. I know this is supposed to be vegan but I was out of freezer options. I think I’ll take an orange to eat on the way to work and another piece of fruit for the ride home. I have to drive down two long streets lined with every fast food place imaginable. It always makes me feel like I should have a snack. Both roads have a Dairy Queen and a Taco Bell. ‘Nuff said.
to be continued…