Imbolc (or oimelc) is coming up this week. I’ve never been a big celebrator of holidays but since I’m learning about paganism I’ve decided to do something for each of the pagan feasts. I’ve found that it has helped me to be more in touch with the natural world around me and more accepting of winter. I’ve enjoyed thinking of the days getting longer since December. We’ll see how excited I am when it comes to thinking of the days getting shorter in July!

Imbolc is traditionally celebrated when the sheep begin to lamb. It is a celebration of the coming of spring. It was appropriated by the Christian church as Candlemas.

I had no idea how you were supposed to celebrate this holiday so I did some looking around this morning. Here’s some ideas I found:

    Go for a walk and look for signs of spring. Around here these would be very subtle.
    Clean your house to remove the old and usher in the new
    Cook emphasing dairy (symbolic of the ewes and lambs) and/or spicy food (symbolic of the return of warmth in spring.)
    Collect a bowl of snow and light a floating candle in the middle. This symbolizes the light and warmth of spring overcoming winter.

Does anyone else celebrate Imbolc or Candlemas? What do you do?