I am headed on a mission of mercy today. I am going to Virginia to sit with a bedridden pregnant friend.

I plan on pointing, laughing, and otherwise provoking her knowing that she can’t get up and chase me! The mission of mercy is actually to her husband. Since her description of being on bed rest was that she makes lists of things for her husband to do in between asking him for drinks of water, he may be close to killing her by now. She needs him to help her take care of the twins when they come so she can’t make him go insane yet.

Another friend and her husband are coming for the weekend too. There will be games and eating and movie watching and lots of talking. I’m providing hummus since the sesame-allergic SO isn’t going. I love hummus just slightly less than I love him so I am willing to not eat it most of the time. But let me head away for a weekend without him and I pig out on every flavor available.

I have to go clean the car out, get packed, and go food shopping!