Time gets compressed and warped at rides. I am not a morning person but judging days start early. The horses went out on the trail at 6:30 this morning. We travelled around and saw six judging spots during the course of the ride. They were off the trail around one PM. We have finished up the scoring for the one day riders and now we can take a nap! My secretary is already dead to the world and the other judge was going to take a nap too. It is 3 PM. It isn’t quite as good as the Army’s “We do more before 9 AM than most people do all day” but it is close. (By the way that ad convinced me that the Army was not a career choice for me.)

In today’s judging we asked them to stop their horses right out of camp, then step over a log and either stand still or sidepass the log, cross a creek, back up in various configurations, turn on the forehand and haunches, and lead another horse while riding their horse.

After dinner we go to work again checking the horses who are continuing on tomorrow.