2022 Reading Challenges
Around the World 2022
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South of the Equator
South of the Equator
Error: No goal set for this challenge.
- Mysterious Aisles
- Between Jobs by W.R. Gingell
- Walking With Gorillas by Gladys Kalema-Zikusoka
- Spud Fit
- The Race to Be Myself
South Africa

Runalong the Shelves TBR Reduction Book Challenge
1 – I give you permission to read the most recent book you got on top of your TBR. For many this is one we only get to read eventually but for now I want you to pick up the newest book in Mount TBR and read it. Can you remember the last time you did that?
Stretch Goal – Read the oldest book in Mount TBR it has waited long enough
February – Valentine’s Day Gift
2 – Is there that book by an author you love you picked up and still haven’t read because you do not deserve it just yet? Other items got in the way? You have for this challenge to pick that book up and read it
Stretch Goal – in Mount TBR you may have got a present from a loved one, friend or family member and still not read it. Pick one and read it
March – New Beginnings
5 – For the beginning of Spring I want you to open a book in the TBR pile by an author you’ve never read before
AMERICAN CHEESE by Joe Berkowitz

Stretch Goal – March is named after Mars, so genre fans find a book that very likely has a big battle in it be it in space, our world or a secondary world. Non-genre fans look for a book about a conflict be that a dilemma, family feud etc
April – New Openings
4 – April is derived from the Latin for ‘to open’ In Mount TBR there may be the first book of a series. Your challenge is to read it
Stretch Goal – as there is an Easter break in this month finish a series you started in one month or if you prefer the remainder of the year
May – Randommmmm
5 – You MAY pick one random book out of Mount TBR and you must read it
Stretch Goal – May was named after Maia the goddess who looked after plants. Find a book with a suitable green subject be it name, setting or theme
June – The Longest Day
6 – Find the longest book in Mount TBR and you must read it
Stretch Goal – June was named for Juno the Goddess of Youth and protection so read a book with a young person as the lead character
July – You Came, You Read and You Conquered
7 – In your TBR there may have been a book you know will be a challenging read. Show it who is the Emperor and read that book until it screams for your mercy and then finish it!
Stretch Goal – Pick a book with a royalty theme to it – Emperors, Queens, Duchesses and more all count
August – Holidayyyyy
8 – Pick a book that takes you away to another place. Read it and relax
Stretch Goal – August comes from Latin for consecrated or venerable. Find a books with Gods in and try not to annoy them so ensure the book is finished
September – Back to School
9 – Pick a book with some link to education. Dark Academia; dangerous school etc and try not to go near anyone who is very transphobic
Stretch Goal – Read seven short stories. Anthologies or short story collections are great for this (you may want to finish the whole book after seven though – innocent face!)
October – Booooo and Eeek
10 – Read a horror or dark themed tale (crime counts too!) you want to be unsettled!
Stretch Goal – Honour the reaper man and find a book that has a death theme
November – Short and Sweet
11 – Read three novellas
Stretch Goal – read the 11th book from the beginning or end of your TBR pile
December – Happy Endings
12 – Have you been holding back the finale of a series. Now time to see where it ends?
Stretch Goal – Find a book with a winter theme of some kind
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