I saw this book meme pop up on my suggested posts. I wrote it back in 2006. Let’s see what has changed since then. My original answers will be in the quote blocks.
1) One book that changed your life:
The DaVinci Code by Dan Brown. I’m not a conspiracy theorist and I don’t believe everything in the book but it came out during the time I was starting to question my Christian faith. Reading that book made me more open to questioning and made me start thinking more about the divine feminine as a viable entity instead of a demonic idea like I’d previous been taught.
Along the same time I read Soul Survivor by Phillip Yancy. I got this while killing time in a mall. He is a Christian writer that I really liked but this book talked about famous spiritual people who either left the church or rebelled against it.
Anything by Sherri S. Tepper. She writes wonderful feminist and environmentally friendly fantasy stories that really make you think.
I’d add in Serving in Silence by Margarethe Cammermeyer. It was the book that started to move my mindset away from the anti-LGBT stuff that I had been taught.
2) One book that you’d read more than once:
Icarus Agenda by Robert Ludlum. I love that book and read it at least once a year until my rabbit ate it. Also, I’ve read all the Harry Potter books repeatedly. American Gods by Neil Gaiman.
Recently I’ve been listening to some audiobooks twice because I listen and then decide that the husband will like it. Starter Villain was one of those.
3) One book you’d want on a deserted island:
Raft Building 101 and How to Navigate by the Stars
That’s a good answer and I’m sticking to it.
4) One book that made you laugh:
Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Prachett

I went for the Something Completely Different answer this time. Amber Ruffin and her sister Lacey have written two books about racist stories that have happened to them. They are funny but make serious points about the experiences Black people have in the U.S.
5) One book that made you cry:
Welcome to the Great Mysterious by Lorna Landvik

OMG I sobbed. This book was written when Terry Pratchett was dying. The opening of the book is the death of one of his most beloved characters. She knows she is dying. She is setting her affairs in order, then she dies, and everyone comes to pay respect. He discusses how to grieve and how to move on and you know that he writing about how he wanted people to treat his soon-to-happen death. Both levels were tearjerkers. Put them together and it was devastating.
6) One book you wish you’d written:
The Left Behind series because the women characters are written so badly I always knew I could have done it better.
I don’t have a better petty answer than this.
7) One book you wish had never been written:
Moby Dick and Great Expectations for torturing generations of kids in school.
I do wish that Paul’s letters had gone missing. There would be a whole lot less strife in the world if he would have kept his thoughts to himself. We could have done without Mein Kampf or Protocols of the Elders of Zion or any of those nasty books.
8) One book you’re currently reading:
Snow by Orhan Pamuk. I was trying to get through it for a book club and just realized that the discussion was last week and I missed it.
I’d answer this but it would be out of date by the time this published. I also don’t think I ever finished Snow or if I did, I have no memory of it.
9) One book you’ve been meaning to read:
Jane Eyre. I actually have it here but I’m just not getting into it.
I’ve still never read Jane Eyre. As for what I’ve been meaning to read, seriously, have you seen my TBR lists and bookshelves – real and electronic?
10) Tag five people:
If you are interested leave a comment so I can see what you wrote.