I’ve been talking recently about how I am downsizing my bookish goals. So of course, this topic comes up.
Goodreads Challenge
I rock the Goodreads Challenge. You know how? I always put 1 book as my goal.
I used to just ignore it and never put anything. Then I realized that if I put one as my goal it would give me a running total all year of how many books I’ve read and it would always be super proud of me!

This is where I ended up last year. I don’t have a goal for the year. I usually end up somewhere between 180-220. I had some extra time off work that put me over the top.
Let me just say that I’ve already passed my goal of 1 book for the year!
South of the Equator/Round the World
I’ve been trying to read more books from south of the equator but I realized that last year the number of countries that I read from was down overall. I used to focus more on getting more countries all around the world. Maybe I need to get back to that.
I grabbed this from the library. I liked this author’s previous series so we’ll see how this one goes. It is about a girl who is from Argentina but living in the U.S. who finds out that she is the descendent of brujas and werewolves. She goes back to Argentina to find out what is going on. It is based on Argentinian folklore.
I saw this series recommended and noticed it because it was from Ghana. (Not south of the equator, I know.) The book recommended was number 5 in the series. That one was about a woman who was infertile so her husband’s family decided that she must be a witch. You know that was just going to irk me on several levels so I decided to back up to the first book in the series. This one was available free on Audible so I’ll listen to it when I finish my current book.
Foodies Read
I don’t plan what I read for Foodies Read. I just let the books magically find me. But I do have one book here that was a Christmas present that I want to start soon.
Those are all the challenges I’ve given myself officially but what else is there?
I do participate in a few themed blogging months throughout the year. I do Wyrd and Wonder for fantasy in March and SciFi Month and Nonfiction November in November (obviously). Reading enough fantasy to have new books to talk about is never an issue. But I need to be reading science fiction steadily through the year to have enough to be interesting.

I’m in line for Death of the Author at the library and I’ll read the new John Scalzi book when it comes out to get some books started towards my science fiction street cred for the year.
I’ve also noticed a theme in some of the nonfiction that I’ve been reading recently. I have been reading a lot about Indigenous environmentalism. If we do a theme week again for Nonfiction November, I may be ahead of the game. I have a few books on my shelves that I have never read but I keep meaning to that would fit.

If I end up reading the Australian book that would be south of the equator too. Look at me multitasking!
Good luck on your goals! I really enjoyed Lobizona, after having a rough start and wanting to DNF this book. But I’m glad I did not!
My TTT: https://laurieisreading.com/2025/01/14/top-ten-tuesday-bookish-goals-for-2025/
Somebody else mentioned setting a reading goal of one book a year. I can’t imagine! I set goals to motivate myself and I would NOT be motivated by a one-book goal. Like you, I read 230 books last year, which smashed my goal of 200 🙂 Good luck on all your goals!
Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!
The Goodreads goal of 1 is an amazing idea! I wish I would have read this post before I set my gal.
I try not to set a goal of how many books I read, so I like you’re idea of setting the GR goal to 1. I always try and participate in Nonfiction November, and this year I’d really like to read more nonfiction. Braiding Sweetgrass is supposed to be wonderful.
The number of books I read last year was lower than usual, too. Several other TTT bloggers have mentioned the same thing!
I love the idea of setting one’s Goodreads goal at 1!