The Briggs Book Tag was started here and is based on your Myers-Briggs personality type.



 You can be outgoing, but need to recharge with some calming solitude, Where is your favorite place to read & unwind? Why is this little oasis where you choose to go?  

I like to read lying down in bed.  I just actually made myself a whole reading room but haven’t used it yet.  There is a daybed with fluffy pillows and everything but my actual bed is just so comfy….


 Some books are meant to be understood and others are meant to be explored. What book or character stands for an idea that is deeply meaningful to you?


The opening story in this collection is hard hitting and deeply meaningful to me.  I’ve been planning on writing all about it when I process it a bit more.  It is about a world built on social justice principles and how/if it can survive.


Non-Fiction for some can seem tedious, but where would we be without the truths of our world? What book, text, or reading material have you found yourself referring to when in need of real world answers?

This is a hard one for me.  I love non-fiction but I don’t know that I use it to find answers in my life.  I read mostly about history or other people’s lives.


TBRs are fun to construct and meant to be destroyed.   Do you stick to the list or mix it up every now and then? What’s a book you’ve put down that you want to pick back up, but just haven’t been in the mood for?

I am the ultimate mood reader.  I just sent back a bunch of books to the library that I was enjoying but not finishing.  I think the ultimate example of this is:

Pit Bull: The Battle over an American IconPit Bull: The Battle over an American Icon by Bronwen Dickey

I loved this book.  It was due back to the library before I finished the last chapter.  I loved it so much I bought a copy for myself.  I still haven’t read the last chapter.  It’s been several years.



INTP: The Thinker

 Many people let themselves feel, but you find value in letting yourself think. What book’s ideas or message stuck with you past the last page? Did it change your perspective, or solidify an idea?

The Fifth Sacred Thing (Maya Greenwood, #1)The Fifth Sacred Thing by Starhawk


This is the story of a nonviolent, mystical community overcoming a hostile outside force without compromising their ethics.Â