What is #BookBlogWriMo?
Basically, it’s a lax version of NaNoWriMo for book bloggers. I created prompts for each day, discussing different topics around books, blogging, and books + blogging.
My Favorite Book Tropes
Whenever I think of this topic I think of a story a librarian told me about a woman who came in and requested a book like the one she was returning. He couldn’t figure out exactly what she wanted. It was the same author or anything obvious. Finally she told him in explicit detail about her sexual fetish. He said it got a bit awkward.
I don’t have a lot of tropes that I look for specifically. I have a lot more that I avoid like the plague but that’s a later post.
Origin Stories
I am a sucker for an origin story. I like the start of series. I like the time before the hero knows that she or he is a hero. I like seeing the ordinary life before the quest for greatness.