I had a pretty good reading and listening month in May.

It was Wyrd and Wonder so I focused a lot on fantasy. I’ve been doing a lot of listening to audiobooks with the husband. I listened to An Inheritance of Magic. I thought that he might like that for a road trip that we have coming up. I started it for him. We got through that fast. (Yes, I listened to it twice in less than 2 weeks.) Now I needed something else for the road trip. I started him on Ilona Andrews’ Innkeeper series. That’s 5 books and a novella. Surely that would get us through until vacation time and back. Nope, we are listening all the time. It might not even get us up to vacation time. I’m going to have to find something else.
I finally got Red Side Story! This is the book that I’ve been waiting 15 years to read!!! I feel like I might just have to close down the blog now that I can’t make my yearly post complaining about not having this book published yet.
I don’t have a reading theme for June. I do have a lot of reviews ready to post. I’m looking forward to getting some down time just to do some reading. I have a few paper books that I’ve been holding onto for vacation time.
Lots of great books this past month! I have an ARC of A Taste of Sage I haven’t read that I got before I really got good about scheduling my ARCS when it first came out. I need to get it read! Hope June goes well for you too!
Ah, there’s nothing better than listening to a good book on a long road trip. Glad you had a good reading month!
Haha, congrats on finally getting to check Red Side Story off your list! I think we all have those books that have been grumbling behind our backs about spending too much time on the TBR. Also, good luck figuring out your audiobook menu for that upcoming vacation 🙂
It’s ao awesome that you and your hubs share a similar taste in books and read together ??