I am unexpectedly going to be all alone this weekend. (Don’t all come rushing to murder me since I put that out on the internet.)

I’ve been trying to decide what I’m going to do with all my freedom. I don’t know why I bother. I never do anything resembling what I plan but here it goes:

1. Quilt – I can either quilt the baby quilt or cut for the other quilt. I’m giving myself leeway here to see what mood strikes me.

2. Go check out a new trail I found. But it snowed today so I don’t know if it will warm up enough to do that.

3. Watch my weekly allotment of TV shows on the internet.

4. Do not lay on the couch and read while eating all sorts of horrible comfort food. Beside it being bad for me I’m going on vacation soon and will be photographed.

My guess for what will actually happen? Watch the TV shows while eating macaroni and cheese and then take a nap with Freckles and then go to a movie…. Repeat until the whole weekend passes with nothing constructive done at all!