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Rebel Magisters

Rebel Magisters by Shanna Swendson Series: Rebel Mechanics #2 Setting: New York Published on July 12th 2016…

Asian Short Fiction

The Terracotta Bride by Zen Cho Setting: Hell Genres: Fantasy & Magic, Fiction Published on March 10,…

Sworn to Raise

Sworn to Raise by Terah Edun Published on April 8th 2013 Pages: 275 Seventeen-year-old Ciardis Vane grew…

Battle Hill Bolero

Battle Hill Bolero by Daniel José Older Series: Bone Street Rumba #3 Setting: New York Published on…

Labyrinth Lost

Labyrinth Lost by Zoraida Córdova Series: Brooklyn Brujas #1 Setting: New York Published on September 6th 2016…