Things have been fairly quiet here aside from a feeling of impeding dread for the events of the next week.
For some reason, I’ve been seeing robins around. They shouldn’t be here this time of year. They really shouldn’t be here in an extra snowy winter. I saw a whole flock in a park and then a few days later I saw this guy.
At first I thought he was a decoration in the planter. He was there for over an hour. He seemed perfectly content.
My bird feeder is the hot place to be right now. My resident woodpecker is even getting in on the handouts.
When it gets below 20 degrees we don’t take Nemo on hikes. He gets massive cabin fever. After a few days of this, he starts acting positively feral. He runs around the house barking and acting like we’ve keeping him captive. We got him out for a walk today because it went up to a tropical 30 degrees. He doesn’t know that he’s going to be house-bound for a few days when it doesn’t get up to double digits.
Blog Nerd Alert!
I finally found something I’ve been looking for for a long time. When I was formally doing Read Around the World challenges in the past, I always wanted an interactive map. I would make them on Google Maps but it was a bit of a process. I decided to try to find something simpler this year and I found it!
If you are doing this type of challenge, check out MapChart.net. You can color in world or state maps with places that you’ve read for the year. But what makes this really nice is that you can save it. Then you can upload your file again and easily add to it! And it is all free!
You can color code by month and do all kinds of fancy labeling.
I start BodySlims again this week. That is a weight loss program. I did my first round from September to December. I lost 25 lbs. I’m excited to get started again. This is the first program I’ve found that really works well for me. What makes this different from other programs is that there is a lot of mental work in it. You have a calorie limit and you walk 1 hour a day. But the core of the program is a weekly lecture on the mental aspects of weight loss in addition to brief videos in the morning and night each day. There are also meditations that I really missed. I would go to sleep doing them. Now that I am a repeat person I get access to an additional meditation. I’m not looking as forward to having to start getting up at 5:30 AM on work days to get my walks in again. I definitely slacked on that while on break! With the weather being so bad it is going to be treadmill walking too instead of being outside for a while so that’s an extra obstacle for me. I do dislike the treadmill. But I’m glad to have the option.
Oh goodie. I am going to MapNet.com. That will make my reading project more visual. Thank you.
I hope that the weather continues to stay a 30° or higher so that Nemo can go on his walks. The map is really cool. What a fun way to track your reading! I don’t like the treadmill either but it’s the only form of exercise I can do right now so I may wind up getting on it. We’ll see. Have a great week!
Woodpeckers are my faves but how SWEET is that lil robin????
Eating slowly and eating healthy snacks like nuts or fruit are two things that have helped me.
The birds, especially the goldfinches, are everywhere around here right now.
I love that mapping tool. I shall give it a try!
The mental part was the key for me to lose weight. I’m glad that you found something that works for you!
That mapping tool is cool!