This was at sewing day yesterday. The person whose house it was at had fallen on her way to the barn that morning and her dog thought she was playing a fun game of “Let’s Roll in the Snow” so he enthusiastically jumped on top of her to play. She was not in the mood for the game and she was still a bit miffed at him later. Then he decided that he wanted to sleep on the quilt she was trying to bind. She was still fairly sore from her fall and did not want to wrestle with him. Eventually he worked out this compromise.


This worked for him mostly because she didn’t notice he was still laying partly on the quilt.

She is an OR nurse and three hours into her shift last night one of the doctors ordered her to go get an x-ray. Turns out she broke the ball clean off the femur. No wonder the roll in the snow game wasn’t as fun for her!


Yesterday I finished the roughly 10 gazillion flying geese blocks for Orca Bay.


(Ignore the crooked. I’ve haven’t trimmed yet.)

It isn’t so much the number of blocks as the number of parts in each one. Now I have everything to finish the second half of the center. That’s my goal for today – along with hiring a cleaning service so the SO and I don’t kill each other and buying external speakers for my iPad. I’ve been watching Star Trek: Deep Space Nine while sewing this quilt and it is a miracle I haven’t sliced my earbuds with a rotary cutter yet.

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced