
We worked on finding our one rep max in the back squat. I thought mine was around 145 lbs. I looked on the computer and it said it was 175! Crap. I managed to do 175 today but it wasn’t pretty. I must have been in superwoman mode the day I did that.

Then we did a 1000 m row. I did it in 5:09.

The workout was as many rounds as possible of:

  • 1 rope climb or 3 pull to stands on the rope
  • 10 kettle bell swings – I did 35 lbs.
  • 15 GHD sit ups – That looks like this.

crossfit-ghd-situp From Panhandle Crossfit

Actually I look nothing like that when I do it but you get the idea.

I did 3 full rounds and rope pull to stands and the kettle bells again.


I was out of town all weekend judging a trail ride.  I did some hiking around to find horses or to get to judging spots on the trail.  I also ate lots of forbidden food.  I willfully ate doritoes and tootsie rolls.


These rides and the travel kicks my butt.  I got in at midnight Monday morning and had to go to work yesterday.  I went to bed when I got home and skipped working out this morning. I feel much better.  I’m going to go swim today to get at least a little exercise in.