For the past few months I’ve been considering becoming a hospice volunteer. Ever since I read a book on compassion it has been in my brain. I’ll be going about my business and the thought will pop into my head for no apparent reason. The thing is I don’t know that I would be good at it.

I’m pretty shy and quiet. If I was put in a room with someone and told to keep them company for a bit I’d be at a total loss. Even with people I know I just listen to them talk. So I guess if I was paired with a person who likes to talk I’d be fine but if not we’d end up staring at the walls together.

But the volunteer information said that they also need people to run errands or help out around the house. I could do that. I like grocery shopping. So maybe there will be things I could do.

Why hospice? I’m a big supporter of death with dignity. Actually I’m a big supporter of euthanasia too because of my medical training which stressed the importance of quality of life and timely euthanasia. I think that the way we make people die here is cruel. But since that is the way it is here at this time I think people should be comfortable.

As a further sign of how shy and wimpy I am the website said that I had to call to volunteer. I would have sent an email with no problem but having to call stopped me cold. I’ll be by the office today so maybe I’ll just stop in.