WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

I’ve been being a quilty slacker. About all I’ve been working on is the Doctor Who Stitch Along.



2nd doctor

3rd doctor

We won’t discuss the fact that I just finished the third one on the same day the fifth one is due to be announced. Shut up.

I have gotten all the rows together for this quilt using the 10th anniversary blocks for Quilts of Valor.


Speaking of Quilts of Valor, here are some more quilts from Western Reserve Quilters Anonymous. I went there last week to see their QOV Challenge reveal. Part one is here.

QOV challenge quilts

QOV challenge quilts

The lady above made 5 quilts for the challenge!

QOV challenge quilts

QOV challenge quilts

QOV challenge quilts

QOV challenge quilts

QOV challenge quilts