On the last day of January I’ve decided to go back and look at my mini goals and the tarot reading for the month to see how everything turned out.

The January tarot card was about financial instability. Yeah. That was fun. I’m not exactly sure where all my money went in January. There was some serious juggling. Since the only thing that really stresses me is financial worries this was hard for me. But I learned to communicate more with the husband about it. He’s my exact opposite. He doesn’t stress about money at all. His attitude is “I get paid again next week.” I answer that by pointing out that next week’s paycheck needs to cover the mortgage, etc. Between the two of us we even out to reasonableness. The money crisis is resolving. I’ve picked up a bunch of work in February. The husband is giving himself some additional income from some projects. (I did tell him that he could have decided to do that before I committed to a lot more work!!)

February’s card is about victory. That will be a nice change.

My mini goals for January:

1. Make a pot of soup a week. I made two pots of soup. I was gone for one other week. So that went pretty well.

2. Continue my cardio workout. I did well on that program until I went out of town and got out of the routine. When I came back I got into a new routine. More about that later.

3. Cook at home at least three times a week. I’ve been doing this one!

4. Ride regularly. Uh oh. I have reasonable excuses for this one but let’s just say it didn’t happen.

Now I need to plan my February mini goals.