Welcome to Nonfiction November!
Nonfiction November is one of my very favorite blog events. I’m thrilled to be hosting a part of it this year.
To start off our month of celebrating nonfiction, let’s look back at what we have read in the past year.
Celebrate your year of nonfiction. What books have you read? What were your favorites? Have you had a favorite topic? Is there a topic you want to read about more? What are you hoping to get out of participating in Nonfiction November?

It turns out that most of my nonfiction reading was about food in the last year. That makes sense to me. I made some major diet changes last November. (Yes, I do sit down and read cookbooks straight through like other books so I count them, especially if they are heavy on information like most of these are.)
My major goal for Nonfiction November is to see what amazing books I’ve missed. I get ideas for birthday and Christmas gifts based on what ya’ll have been reading. Winter is my major nonfiction reading season. I can’t wait to fill up my TBR!
Speaking of filling up your TBR – Make sure you keep track of what you are adding for week 5 of Nonfiction November. Here’s the rest of the schedule:
- Week 2
- Dates: 11/6-11/10
- Frances – Volatile Rune
- Title: Choosing Nonfiction
- Description: What are you looking for when you pick up a nonfiction book? Do you have a particular topic you’re attracted to? Do you have a particular writing style that works best? When you look at a nonfiction book, does the title or cover influence you? If so, share a title or cover which you find striking.
- Week 3
- Dates: 11/13-11/17
- Host: Liz – Adventures in reading, running and working from home
- Title: Book pairings
- Description: This week, pair up a nonfiction book with a fiction title. Maybe it’s a historical novel and the real history in a nonfiction version, or a memoir and a novel, or a fiction book you’ve read and you would like recommendations for background reading. You can be as creative as you like!
- Week 4
- Dates: 11/20-11/24
- Host: Rebekah – She Seeks Nonfiction
- Title: Worldview Shapers
- Description: One of the greatest things about reading nonfiction is learning all kinds of things about our world which you never would have known without it. There’s the intriguing, the beautiful, the appalling, and the profound. What nonfiction book or books have impacted the way you see the world in a powerful way? Is there one book that made you rethink everything? Do you think there is a book that should be required reading for everyone?
- Week 5
- Dates: 11/27-12/1
- Host: Lisa – Hopewell’s Public Library of Life
- Title: New to my TBR
- Description: It’s been a month full of amazing nonfiction books! Which ones have made it onto your TBR? Be sure to link back to the original blogger who posted about that book!
What did your Year in Nonfiction look like?
Link up your posts below. Also, feel free to link up any reviews of nonfiction books that you are posting this week.
Some people have been having issues accessing the link up. If you are just leave your link in the comments and I will link it up.
[…] How Women Revolutionized Marriage and Found Freedom on the American Frontier by April White – Heather at Based on a True Story and Silver Button […]
So many interesting covers here! I see several that I need to add to my tbr. I likely should read more food-related books and change my diet as well. I’ve made subtle shifts the past few months, but need some bigger ones.
My favorite books I’ve read so far this year are here: https://lisanotes.com/my-nonfiction-books-so-far-nonfiction-november/
Wonderful list! I’m already adding SO MANY BOOKs. 😀
You’ve had a really lovely selection, and so many enticing covers when you lay them out like that!
Thank you for hosting! I wasn’t able to link my post which is here:
Here’s my post for the first week of Nonfiction November: https://whatmeread.wordpress.com/2023/11/04/nonfiction-november/
You absolutely should count cookbooks! I need to go through all of these, I want to add more veggies to all my meals and some of your books just pop right out at me.
I also want to read I think You’re Wrong (But I’m Listening). This looks like a great read.
I did have trouble linking up, perhaps because I am a day late adding. So sorry! If you could add me, I would appreciate it and I will get on schedule next week.
wow, lots of yummy food here!
Thanks for hosting.
I loved I Think You’re Wrong (But I’m Listening). I recommend that one to everyone.
[…] Today’s host is Heather @ Based on a True Story […]
Such a great-looking bunch of books! I would love to read Walking with Gorillas. It looks so interesting and I’m a huge animal lover. Thanks for sharing!
Oh my!! The motherload of good looking foodie books! I will be checking many of these out! Good job!
I love foodie books so much that I run a link up of reviews of them every month. You can check out the Foodies Read link in the menu at the top of the page to see the latest month. There are so many great books to read!
Yes, I will in investigate each and every of your 17 books about food! I too made a major diet/lifestlye change on 01 August 2023. I stopped eating sugar, dairy, meat, poultry, vis, bread (1 x per week 2 slices with a bowl of homemade soup) alcohol (wine, beer). I’m trying to plan an ‘vegan/plant based’ Thanksgiving meal…it’s not easy to give up my favorite cranberry sauce made with lots of sugar and Grand Marnier! All kidding aside, now, after 3 months the thought of eating a heavey T-day meal reminds me how awful I’ll feel afterwards. My body cannot digest it anymore. So I feel very connected to your NF list and of course all the other NF books you’ve read. I hope to add a few or your books on my week 5 “New to TBR” list. PS yes, I read cookbooks like a book as well. I reviewed 4 Australian cookbooks ( see “monthly planning” on my blog November 2021). I comment on the layout, added info, recipes ( of course)…it can be fun reading a cookbook. I just ordered Laura Vitale’s new Italian cookbook that will be published February 2024…and I’ll review it!
I went vegan/plant based last November after over 20 years as a vegetarian. It has been amazing! Last year (technically before the switch), my family decided to just do an Italian meal for Thanksgiving once we all admitted that we didn’t really like traditional Thanksgiving food.
When you review the cookbook, come back and link up with Foodies Read. The link is always at the top of the page. We have a great group who read a lot of foodie books including cookbooks.
I will link my “cookbook” review to you foodies reads!