Happy SciFi Month! Tomorrow I’ll be going over what I’ve read this year and how this month helps me remember to read SciFi. But today, let’s talk about what I’m going to try to read this year.

I started Just Out of Jupiter’s Reach on audio a few months ago but didn’t finish it all. It is one that I needed to concentrate on too much for audio. I have a written copy that I want to finish because I like Nnedi Okorafor. It is just a novella.

survive the dome kosoko jackson

I had Survive the Dome on my TBR list last year but I never got to it. I got it from the library a few days ago and got it started. It is the story of a dome put over Baltimore during a protest about police brutality.

I’ve read the first two books in this trilogy over the last month. I have this one from the library in order to finish the story.

I’ve read a few of Aliette de Bodard’s Xuya books recently. This is the novella that started it. It was sort of hard to find. It appears to be only available on Kobo but I got it.

I have this one on Kindle Unlimited. I’m not as enthusiastic about it as the others so we’ll see if I read it. Has anyone read this? Should I absolutely read it?

I have this one from Kindle Unlimited too. The author is South African so it fits my goal of reading more authors from south of the Equator. But it is about a dog and I get nervous if bad things happen to animals in my books.

So the plan is to read most, if not all, of these but we all know I tend to get distracted by shiny things other than what I’ve planned.