This weekend I completed another of my 101 Things in 1001 Days. I volunteered at a soup kitchen. I thought this one might be really hard since I couldn’t find any info about a local place to volunteer. Turns out that area churches have a schedule where they take one night a week and make a meal. The SO’s church does Sunday nights. (Yes, I’m dating a church-going Christian. Yes, that was on my list of absolute no-nos. I’m filing this under the heading of “nobody’s perfect” and moving on.)

I’d done a lot of serving at homeless shelters in TN. It was a big operation. It was like a cafeteria. It wasn’t like that at all here. It was much smaller. They made up the plates of pasta, salad, and bread ahead of time and then just added whatever sauce the people preferred. The servers here were a bit odd. They didn’t seem to want to interact with the people they were serving. They would whisper about the people coming through the line, especially in the cases where they knew the families of the people. It didn’t seem very nice. The SO and I went out and ate with the group with everyone else seemed to barricade themselves in the kitchen. Odd.