top ten tuesday

Renae Jones

I loved this book so much. I really need to do a reread. She hasn’t had a book out since 2017 and I really need a follow up to this. Her author website has expired since I last looked at it. I hope she is ok.

Dani Redd

This book was SO good and so far it is her only book. It came out in 2021. I keep checking back to see if there is a new one but so far – nothing.

Jessica Rosenberg

This one isn’t as depressing. The last book in this series came out in 2023. I just want more and there isn’t an upcoming book listed yet.

Daniel Schwabauer

He’s written previous books but they seem very different to this 2022 book. I’d read whatever he put out next but so far there has been nothing.

Nathan Lowell

The wizard's butler nathan lowell

This is sort of similar to that last one. He’s written previous books that I wasn’t into but I love this one. I have heard that he’s been sick though so it is understandable. He’s mentioned a bit of what he was working on though and it sounded great so I’d love to hear it.