Kelley Armstrong
Kelley Armstrong has an absolutely ridiculous amount of books and series out. Goodreads lists 15 series. Where do you even start?
I first started reading her as she was writing her Otherworld series and I loved it. The first book, Bitten, came out in 2001. It starts out about werewolves and over the course of the series it moves into focusing on other magical people. There was even a short lived TV series but that wasn’t very good. (Why can’t they make good TV series based on urban fantasy books? This will be a theme.) I loved the series until the end when I despised the last protagonist. She was a spoiled brat. HATE HER!
I’ve recently relistened to Bitten. Does it hold up? I definitely didn’t love it as much. I kept waiting for more plot. Maybe the werewolf genre has moved on since 2001. It isn’t bad but it is pretty low key compared to more modern stories.
Kelly Armstrong became one of my auto-read authors but I couldn’t even keep up with her output.
I love her Rockton series that is totally different from books about werewolves and witches. Nothing magical here. It is straight up detective fiction about a town in the Yukon for victims of violent crimes who need to disappear. The husband loves this series too.

There is now a follow up series to this one. I didn’t love the first book as much but it was still good. I’m about to start the second one.
I’ve also read her time travel detective fiction series in progress.

She has YA fantasy series and a few other fantasy series I’ve tried including one featuring Greek gods, but Otherworld, Rockton, and A Rip Through Time are the ones I’d recommend.
I’d recommend all her books on audio.

My book club read her “A Stitch in Time” story – a Paranormal Romance with a Cozy (Murder) Mystery. I don’t think she integrated the genres well in it – first act was the paranormal, the second act was the romance, and the third act the murder mystery. A good romp but could have been better. I did have a time where I chewed through her shelf at the library, but I’ve moved on to other writers. – Erin Penn
I haven’t read anything from Kelly Armstrong in ages so thank you for the reminder! I was a big fan of hers back in the day so I’m hoping to get back to some of her books.
I used to love reading werewolf and other supernatural books. Good memories; maybe it’s time I got back into this genre
I haven’t read anything by Kelley Armstrong but I’m always looking for good audiobooks so I’ll add her to my list.
I love Kelley Armstrong, although one of her latest books wasn’t a favorite of mine. I’ll still read her books.