For this Halloween freebie, I’m listing some authors that I’ve discovered this year who write about magic.
K.F. Breene

Yeah, I binged. But I love a grown up heroine who discovers that she has powers.
Jessica Rosenberg

This is another mid-life heroine. Love this series and the spin-off. Another bonus is that I signed up for her newsletter and she gives recommendation based on what she is reading. I’ve read some great books from her suggestions. She’s like my dealer at this point.
Benedict Jacka
This was a great audiobook about a young man in England discovering a wider world of magic than the little bit he knew. It wasn’t a great discovery for him. I’m looking forward to the next book that is just coming out.
Jennifer L. Hart

More witches finding power after 40. Are you seeing a theme? There are also several witches with M.S. in these books.
Desideria Mesa
This is a 1920s speakeasy-owning, white-passing, Mexican bruja trying to open her own better club but running up against all kinds of obstacles.
T.J. Deschamps

And we’re back on theme with older protagonists. One has been hiding her magic for years and the other just discovers that she has a magical talent.
Ciara Blume
There is a magical bookstore in this one that hides a magical archive. What else do you need to know? There are shifters and of course a grown woman who finds out that magic is real.
Oh this is a cool topic, looks like you’ve discovered a lot of magical authors this year! I have not read any of them myself but Bindle Punk Bruja sounds great!
My TTT is here:
Wow, there are some really gorgeous covers here. So pretty!
Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!
It sounds like this has been a great reading year for you so far.
These are all such pretty covers.