Harry Potter Reread – Order of the Phoenix

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

by Joanne K. Rowling
Genres: Fantasy & Magic, Fiction, Young Adult
Published on 2004
Pages: 870
Source: Owned
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This is the most heartbreaking Harry Potter book there is. Sirius' death killed me. Nothing that comes later affected me as much. After Sirius I didn't have any heart left to break.

I did go to Harry Potter world at Universal in January. I had been once before but it was really crowded and I couldn’t get into most things. This time it was better.

The Hogwarts ride was AMAZING!

Harry Potter

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I didn’t like Gringott’s as much but it was still good. I love the dragon though. He does breathe fire every so often. I was sitting on the stairs beside the building eating ice cream and it got hot when the fire went off.

Gringotts #harrypotter A photo posted by @dvmheather on

I loved all the signs for the stores. I took a lot of pictures of those.

I wonder if this works better than most OTC flea meds? #vetquestions #harrypotter

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I was able to ride the Hogwarts express before it broke down for the day. You don’t see out the windows of the train. You watch a video screen that shows you leaving Hogwarts and traveling to London. Another screen on the inside shows the shadows of people walking up and down the aisle.

Fortescue’s ice cream was very good. I had the salted caramel and the sticky toffee pudding.

More signs!

You know, just some wizards hanging out!
