Good Lord!  This has been the longest month of all time.  I was talking to coworkers who have been off on various self-isolations.  One said she was on day 12.  I swear I thought I hadn’t seen her in about a month.  Every day is lasting weeks.  Anyway, for an update on my status in all this see yesterday’s post.

I read all the books this month.  Seriously.  In retrospect I can see I was trying hard to distract my brain.  Once I stopped going to work my reading dropped off a cliff.

I present the biggest reading month (actually 3 weeks) ever:

I read this series.  I loved it.  Great world building and relationships between characters.  Go read it.

I read this series. This really should have been three books but she cut the story up whenever there was a cliffhanger. I wouldn’t have read the whole thing if it wasn’t on Kindle Unlimited.


I read another series.  This one was really good.  I 100% recommend.

I reread a favorite series and then realized that there is a new novel out.  I’m saving that.

I read a few books in other series I like.

I also managed to read a few standalone books.

I started some new series.  


That’s a total of 30 books.  What????


The books I read were:

  • 2 audiobooks
  • Set in the U.S. and fantasy lands.


From My Shelf

I’m adding a section to encourage me to read books that I’ve had sitting around for a long time.

What book didn’t you see above?  Yeah, the one I absolutely promised I was going to read in March.

I started it.  I just got distracted.  Will work on this.  

Reading All Around the World challenge from Howling Frog Books

  • Read a nonfiction book about the country – or
  • Read fiction written by a native of the country or someone living for a long time in the country.

Nothing new in my comfort reading month.