The House in the Cerulean Sea
by TJ KluneGenres: Fiction / Fantasy / Contemporary, Fiction / Fantasy / Humorous, Fiction / LGBTQ+ / Gay
Published on March 17, 2020
Pages: 305
Format: eBook Source: Library

Linus Baker is a by-the-book case worker in the Department in Charge of Magical Youth. He's tasked with determining whether six dangerous magical children are likely to bring about the end of the world.
Arthur Parnassus is the master of the orphanage. He would do anything to keep the children safe, even if it means the world will burn. And his secrets will come to light.
The House in the Cerulean Sea is an enchanting love story, masterfully told, about the profound experience of discovering an unlikely family in an unexpected place—and realizing that family is yours.
I’d seen the cover of this book around on social media a lot but hadn’t really paid attention until someone said the magical phrase WERE-POMERANIAN.
Of course I was immediately all in.
I can not even begin to describe how delightful this book is. Linus is an inspector for group homes for magical children. He cares deeply about the kids and thinks that he is doing the best for them by making sure that they are cared for by the book. His eyes are starting to be opened to the fact that not everyone around him may be as benevolent as he is. When he is tapped for a secret inspection of a home for dangerous children all his assumptions fall apart.
I highlighted so many quotes from this book. The banter was so much fun. These are just a few.
“I am evil incarnate,” the dastardly voice said. “I am the blight upon the skin of this world. And I will bring it to its knees. Prepare for the End of Days! Your time has come, and the rivers will run with the blood of the innocents!”
Talia sighed. “He’s such a drama queen.”
…we talked about the locust plague. That’s only to be done under direct supervision.
Because it’s better not to know if we’re about to die. That way, we don’t start screaming right now. It’ll be a surprise. We can always scream then.
I was a bit disappointed in the Pomeranian. He turned into a Pomeranian whenever he was scared. It would be more on brand to have him turn into a Pomeranian and then blindly run at whatever he was scared of intending to tear it to shreds regardless of size discrepancies.
If you haven’t read this book, go get it right now. Seriously. Right now. You won’t regret it.