Prize is pregnant!!!

I had her checked again this morning because she reacted so violently to the stallion last week. She still doesn’t have a lot of uterine tone so we pulled some blood to check her progesterone levels. If they are low then we may supplement her for a while.

Much happy dancing followed….

Then when my horse vet (who I work for sometimes) was picking up his stuff he said to me, “Did you hear I’ll be working by myself starting in September?”

I replied, “I got fired yesterday.”

He laughed and said, “Good.” The upshot is that I picked up a few days from him in July and then we will try to work out maybe one day a week and every other Saturday for me to work starting in September. I really like working at that clinic and had a schedule sort of like that before he hired a full time vet a few years ago. He’s planning on cutting back his hours and not hiring an associate so this should work out well.