Black dragon by Ehtisham Sajid

This year’s theme for Wyrd and Wonder is comfort. For this week we are describing what that means to us. If I’m thinking of a book as comforting or cozy it probably has some or all of the following elements.

Low Conflict

There is a time and place for high stakes drama with life and death consequences. But sometimes I just want to read something that doesn’t have a lot of suspense.

The wizard's butler nathan lowell

I think that’s why I like The Wizard’s Butler so much. There is a conflict that drives the storyline but a lot of the narration is about making lunch or figuring out a routine around the house or making a five year plan. Especially on audio, it is such a soothing book.


You knew there had to be food involved. That’s almost synonymous with the cozy aspect of any genre. Give me a tea shop or bakery or food truck and I’m all in.

Found Family

the very secret society of irregular witches

I like stories about people finding their people. That could be romances or it could be friends and chosen family. I especially like it if they are leaving bad circumstances and finding better ones.


I read for entertainment. I want my books to be cheery. I don’t find grimdark zombie post-apocalyptic fantasies comforting.

Quirky Characters

This goes back to increasing the fun. I recently read a series where just a few of the secondary characters were:

  • a Celtic warrior shapeshifter who likes to drink and throw rocks at tourists
  • an ancient vampire who is losing his mind and likes to competitively garden
  • a gargoyle butler who thinks outrageous human clothing helps him hide in public
  • a Bigfoot who likes to sneak up on hikers to see them run

Throw in quirky side characters in an organic way to your story and I’ll love it. I’ve read another series by this author that doesn’t have fun side characters and I didn’t follow through with it.