Seanan McGuire
I’m back to breaking the law today by having an M part 2 instead of an N day. But if I’m talking about authors with lots of series with lots of starting points, how I am supposed to ignore Seanan McGuire?
I’m an Incryptid series fan. This series follows an extended family of cryptozoologists who are trying to keep both magical creatures and the existence of their family a secret.

There are 13 books now. Can I say that the last one absolutely destroyed me? I feel like the series was getting a bit weak until books 12 and 13 when she started hitting it out of the park again. Book 12 took a sort of throw way gag bit through the rest of the series about how Grandma was traveling through other dimensions looking for Grandpa and turned it into a very touching story. Book 13 was .. I just need everyone to read this so I can talk about book 13.
This is a series that you need to read in order to have any idea what is going on.
She’s also known for the Wayward Children series.

That series starts with these books but there are more. Imagine if children who go into magical realms get returned to this one. How do they cope? Answer – generally not well. This is the story of kids in a home for wayward children. Most of them are trying to get back to their magical worlds.
There are many more series and standalone. I’ve never even read October Daye. This is her longest running series with 19 books. Has anyone read this? Should I start this if I’ve loved the other series?
I haven’t read any of McGuire’s books but I’ve had a couple of authors over the years who did.