
Iceland is one of my bucket list trips. It is almost the perfect place for me. When I think of Iceland I think of three things:






    • Ponies!  Yes, I know that they are officially called Icelandic HORSES and I would never want to offend them but they are little and cute and furry and that gleefully screams PONIES in my soul.
  • horses-584519_640

    • Hot springs – I do love soaking in any available source of hot water. I’m totally up for lazing about in hot springs.
    • Epic landscapes just hanging out waiting to be photographed.


    To be honest, I’ve set foot in Iceland four times. However, I’ve never left the airport. I’ve flown Icelandair to Europe and back twice. Each time you land in Iceland to refuel and to take advantage of the giftshop. The first time I bought an Iceland wool sweater that was too itchy to ever wear. The second time (years later) I was smarter and bought a felted wool horse that I hang on the Christmas tree.

    My goal is to sometime go and be able to get out of the airport.

    Because PONIES!
