We’ve had a great month of finding a lot of great new nonfiction. So what have I brought home so far and what do I want to get to soon?
All the Beauty in the World by Patrick Brinkley
I bought this book for my husband’s birthday because I want to read it too.
Suggested by Volatile Rune

The World Record Book of Racist Stories by Amber Ruffin and Lacey Lamar
I grabbed this audiobook from the library as soon as I saw The BookStop mention it. I listened to their first book and loved it. This one was good too!

Accountable by Dashka Slater
I don’t know if I’ve read any YA nonfiction before. I have this one out from the library now thanks to Head Full of Books.

I’m not sure why I was drawn to How to Keep House While Drowning when Intrepid Angelino talked about it. But I grabbed it from the library.
Other nonfiction that showed up at my house this month:

The Schwarzenegger book was a present for the husband and I had preordered the Terry Pratchett bio.
So what else have I added to the TBR but not laid my hands on yet?
Practical Anarchism by Scott Branson
That just seems like the most intriguing title to me. Suggested at Literary PotPourri
One More Croissant for the Road and Red Sauce Brown Sauce by Felicity Cloake
These are both European foodie travel books. How could I resist? Thank LouLouReads for the temptation.
Bliss More: How to Succeed in Meditation Without Really Trying by Light Watkins
Thanks Reading in Bed!
Another Day in the Colony by Chelsea Watego was suggested on Brona’s Books.
Mesthuselah’s Zoo by Steven N. Austad and The Chimpanzee Whisperer by Stany Nyandwi are all Superfluous Reading’s fault.
Lisbon: War in the Shadows of the City of Light may make me rethink my inclination to not read any more WWII books because of The Content Reader. Â
Life on the Rocks: Building a Future for Coral Reefs by Juli Berwald was featured at Unsolicited Feedback
Thanks to everyone who participated in Nonfiction November this month! I added so many blogs to my RSS reader to follow you all year long. I hope to see you again for this event next year!!
Thanks for the shout out about Accountable. What a book. What a story. What a world! Eek!
My Nonfiction wrap up at HeadFullofBooks
A great list! I’m just combing through the last few posts to add to mine!
So many good recommendations this month! My tbr definitely grew during November. 🙂 I also highly recommend How to Keep House While Drowning. It’s actually worth a re-read too…maybe I should do that.
From this event I always take away so many titles to look for and read. Thank you!
I’m seeing Red Sauce/Brown Sauce a lot now–I may have to read it! All the Beauty in the World just went on my TBR–thank you!
I also added All the Beauty in the World on my TBR. It looks and sounds amazing!
A fascinating list. I’m so glad you decided to include the Patrick Bringley. I hope your husband loves it as much as I did.
The coral reef one sounds interesting! Most of my recent acquisitions were for class, so I have that excuse. 🙂