I was reading my local paper yesterday and was struck the sheer amount of stupidity in the world. The following articles were actually side by side.

“A firefighter took a promotion exam only 12 hours after she gave birth because of a state law requiring all promotion candidates to be tested at once…… Civil-service regulations require anyone seeking promotion to take the exam at an appointed time unless the firefighter is on active military duty…. missing it would have meant waiting at least two years before the next promotion exam.”

This is my favorite. No matter how you feel about the death penalty this guy is just the embodiment of stupid.

Having suffered a heart attack in September, Allen had asked prison authorities to let him die if he went into cardiac arrest before his execution, a request prison officials said they would not honor.

“At no point are we not going to value the sanctity of life,” prison spokesman Vernell Crittendon said. ‘We would resuscitate him,” then execute him.

Gotta love the reporter’s sarcasm there.